How to Register your drone with the FAA in the United States

How to register your drone with the FAA?

Do you really need to register your drone? First, you have to know if your drone weighs more than 0.55 pounds or less than 0.55 pounds. All drones weighing less than 0.55 pounds don’t need a registration. But if it is in the range of 0.55 to less than 55 pounds, then you’ll need to register it with the FAA. However, if you are not a U.S-citizens, you will be issued with a certificate of ownership instead of the U.S. aircraft registry. UAS weighing more than 55 pounds needs to register under Traditional Aircraft Registration.    

If you are planning to use your drone for commercial purposes or you want to use it in making money, working for clients, then definitely you will have to register it under FAA Part 107. Part 107 requires drone operators to pass the Aviation Knowledge Test and be certified remote pilots before they can get an FAA registration number. 

Hobbyists or drone operators who need to register should register under the Exception for Recreational Flyers. There are also certain rules if you are flying as part of your duties in a government function. Whichever it is, it depends on your purpose.

Part 107 flyers can fly their drones for recreational purposes. But never fly a drone for commercial purposes if you are registered as a recreational flyer.

If this is your first time flying a drone within the US territory, you need to answer the following questions:

Does your drone weigh more than 55 pounds or less than 0.55 pound?

Are you flying for commercial purposes?
Are you a US-government employee?

Are you flying for recreational purposes, educational purposes?

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When and where are you planning to fly your drone? 

Safety reminders to all flyers, first-timers, registered, or certified: You can enjoy flying your drone all you want but don’t forget the rules and safety guidelines.

  • Register your drone if needed.
  • Allowed altitude is at or below 400 feet only
  • Be aware of the FAA airspace restrictions
  • Do not fly your drone over another person’s private property without their permission.
  • Do not fly over people, vehicles, a public event, or stadiums full of people.
  • Do not fly near other UAVs or near an airport
  • No flying of drones/UAAS under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Do not fly near emergencies. Be sure you are not interfering with an emergency response.

Flying an unregistered UAS and violating the rules can hold you liable, asked to pay a fine, or face a lawsuit. All drones that are intended for commercial use must register under the Part 107 guidelines. If you are unsure, check it with the FAA user identification tool.

Need to register your UAS under Part 107?

  1. Review Part 107 guidelines. Check if you will need a waiver and if yes proceed to Part 107 Waiver Application Process.
  2. Apply for a Certification and be a Certified Remote Pilot. To be eligible, you must be a least 16 years old. First-timer drone flyers are required to pass the initial aeronautical knowledge test. Book an appointment with a Knowledge Testing Center. After passing the exam, complete, complete the FAA Form 8710-13 for a remote pilot certificate by registering at the FAA IACRA system. (KnowledgeKnowledge test may take up to 48 hours to appear in IACRA.IACRA..).

Note: The certificate is valid for 2 years, so Certified Remote Pilots are also required to update their aviation knowledge. They need to pass the initial (Unmanned Aircraft General/UAG) or recurrent (Unmanned General Recurrent/UGR) knowledge test

  1. Submit the form. You will receive a confirmation email with the copy of the temporary remote pilot certificate from IACRA. Wait for the permanent remote pilot certificate that will be sent via mail.
  1. Register your drone at FAA DroneZone
    1. Get your aircraft make and model.
    2. Visit drone
    3. choose “I fly under Part 107 or as a Public Aircraft”  by clicking on the Register button at the right side. Then you will be redirected to the Create Account form. 
    4. Create an FAA user account by registering your email address. Then click the “Create Account” button below. 
    5. Check your email for the verification link sent by the FAA. Fill up the necessary information.
    6. Pay the $5 registration fee with a debit or credit card.
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If you are not a US-citizen, you will be issued with a certificate of ownership instead of a U.S aircraft registration.

  1. Mark your drones with the registration number. You can use a permanent marker or a label. 

But the FAA may also implement  new rules from time to time, so keep yourself updated with FAA’s rules and regulations.

How to register your drone if you are a hobbyist?

Drone registered under recreational flyers is strictly for recreational purposes only.

Register your drone with the FAA

  1. To register with the FAA you need to know the make and model of your aircraft and have a debit or credit card to pay the 5$ registration fee.
  1. Visit, choose “I fly under The Exception for Recreational Flyers”. Click the Register button on the right side. Then you will be redirected to the Create Account form. 
  1. Create an FAA user account by registering your email address. Then click the “Create Account” button below. They will send you a verification email at your registered email address. Just click on the link and you will be directed to the personal information page. 
  1. Get an authorization if you are planning to fly in controlled airspace or the CLASSES A, B, C, and D. Authorization can be requested from LAANC, DroneZone or contact to request a written agreement from FAA for flying in fixed flying sites.

You may download the B4UFLY application to see an interactive map where you are allowed to fly your drone.

  1. After completing the registration, mark your drone with the registration number in case it gets lost or stolen. You can engrave it or use a permanent marker or a permanent label. FAA may also implement new rules from time to time, so keep yourself updated with FAA’s rules and regulations.
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