Emax Tinyhawk 2 – Drone User Manual

Here’s the Emax Tinyhawk 2 – Drone User Manual for you to check out.

Here’s the full instructions manual for Emax Tinyhawk 2

Product specification:

  • Product list
  • Tinyhawk II Freestyle Structure
Emax Tinyhawk 2 - Drone User Manual
  • Parameter
  • Radio
  • Google

Radio and Goggle Diagram:

Emax Tinyhawk 2


  • Battery and Charging

This 2.4 GHz radio has six channels, and 18650 battery power it. If a new installation of the battery is required, make sure the negative side is on the side that will touch the radio’s spring.

The battery is already put in the radio when it is purchased. The radio may
beneath the speaker and power button, there is a micro USB wire hooked for charging.

  • Operation
  • Power
  • Binding
  • Trim

Each gimbal has trim buttons for each axis. Every trim adjustment will beep the radio, and the middle trim will beep the longest. When hovering, adjust the roll and pitch trim to create a steady hover without gimbal input.

  • Gimbal Calibration


  • Battery and Charging

A 18650 battery is already inserted in the battery cartridge. If a battery replacement is necessary, proceed with caution and make sure the polarity is right.

Using a micro USB cable, the battery may be charged inside the cartridge. The indication light glows green when the battery is charging. Red will be the indication light’s color when charging is finished.

  • Assembly
  • Operation
  • Power

Plugging the power lead from the battery cartridge into the goggles will turn them on. Unplug the power lead from the battery cartridge to turn the device off.

  • Video Channel Selection
  • Video Channel Auto Scanning
  • Screen Adjustments

Tinyhawk II Freestyle:

  • Propeller Direction and Mounting

Tinyhawk II Freestyle propellers spin in two different directions: clockwise and counterclockwise (CW) & anticlockwise (CCW).

Two CW and two CCW propellers are included when purchasing a set. Compared to the sharp following edge, the propeller’s soft leading edge specifies which way it should rotate.

Please ensure that the propellers are mounted in the manner shown by the diagram below.

Emax Tinyhawk 2

Tinyhawk II Freestyle VTX Settings:

The SmartAudio on the Tinyhawk II Freestyle is already set up with the default settings. UART 2 TX is used to run the SmartAudio line.

  • Changing VTX setting via Betaflight OSD:
  • VTX Channel Settings with the Button:
  • Vtx Schematic and Button Diagram:
  • Tinyhawk II Freestyle All-in-One Flight Controller
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The main electronic board for the Tinyhawk II Freestyle is displayed above. This board includes an 8CH receiver, an F4 flight controller, and all 4 escs.

  • Emax On-Board Receiver

The receiver is integrated into the main flight controller board and is set up via

  • Binding Procedure
  • Alternate Binding Method
  • Emax Tinyhawk II Freestyle Flight Controller (FC)

This flight controller has an MPU6000 gyro and an F4 MCU. Flying in freestyle, Tinyhawk II
Pre-programmed and properly tuned for optimum flight, the controller.

Please visit https://emax-usa.com for a full tune and configuration setting file (CLI dump file).
the CLI dump document.

 Tinyhawk 2
  • Stock Flight Controller Settings

Tinyhawk II Freestyle is set up to record a TAER1234 channel map convention. Throttle, aileron, elevator, rudder, AUX 1, AUX 2, AUX 3, and AUX 4 are listed on the channel map in that order.

Tinyhawk II’s arm switch Freestyle is equipped with the greatest value and is set to AUX 1. AUX 2 is set up for A three stage switch that activates Acro, Horizon, and Angle in increasing sequence is used to choose the flight modes.

The beeper is connected to AUX 3. the motors will be in a high state when beep. The Flip Over After Crash mode on AUX 4 is selected (often referred to as turtle mode). When AUX 4 is in the high state, turtle mode is activated.


Always use caution when flying and operate in an open and controllable area. Please learn the flight controls first before powering on the aircraft to fly.

  • Radio Stick Controls

The Tinyhawk II Freestyle’s throttle and yaw direction are controlled via the left stick. the proper The aircraft’s pitch and roll are controlled using a stick.

  • Left Stick Diagram
Emax drones
  • Right Stick Diagram
Emax Tinyhawk 2 drones

Fly Tinyhawk II Freestyle:

Turn on your radio and goggles first. Tinyhawk II Freestyle is pre-configured to be connected to your radio and on the proper video channel for your goggles.

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Tinyhawk II Freestyle can be started by inserting the battery into the battery tray. putting a plug in. Set Tinyhawk II Freestyle on a sturdy surface after the battery is put in so it can calibrate.

After a brief calibration period, the Tinyhawk II The air is clear for freestyle. On a fully charged battery, Tinyhawk II Freestyle can fly for four minutes. 20 emax-usa.com battery.

When the battery hits 3.2 volts, land Tinyhawk II Freestyle; continue flying after that. can seriously hurt your battery and is not advised.

  • Arming

Tinyhawk II Freestyle is armed when it is in the fly-ready stage. Tinyhawk II’s debut
When Freestyle is first turned on, the propellers won’t start spinning until it is armed.

By first lowering the throttle, you can arm the aircraft. then flip the radio’s left switch to the third position. third position up. When TinyhawkII Freestyle is successfully armed, you will notice the propellers rotating.

  • Flying Modes

Tinyhawk II Freestyle is initially configured in rate mode. In this advanced mode, the aircraft’s angular rate is controlled by the controller.

This is set to alter via the AUX 2 switch. a three-stage switch’s mode. Tinyhawk II Freestyle will perform better when AUX 2 is in a high state be in easy mode, where control determines the aircraft’s attitude.

Tinyhawk II Freestyle will be in intermediate mode when the switch is in the middle state.

  • Line of Sight Flying

Start with flying the Tinyhawk II Freestyle in line of sight to get a feel for it (no goggles yet). Turn on Tinyhawk II Freestyle and place it in a space that has been cleared.

Tinyhawk II Arms Freestyle, then use the left stick to increase the throttle until you are hovering. Focus on keeping your altitude steady.

Use the right thumb stick to pitch and roll the Tinyhawk II Freestyle, and the left thumb stick to yaw.

  • First Person View (FPV) Flying
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Assuming you have a clean area to fly in, make sure Tinyhawk II Freestyle is on the same vtx channel as the goggles.

Work on flying in a forward motion while still adhering to the same principles you learned when flying the Tinyhawk II Freestyle line of sight while keeping the altitude under control and consistent.

Always pushing forward and applying a tiny bit of pitch with your right thumb stick can make learning to fly FPV easier. Tinyhawk II Freestyle can be driven like a car by utilising the left thumb stick.

Assuming you have a clean area to fly in, make sure Tinyhawk II Freestyle is on the same vtx channel as the goggles.

Work on flying in a forward motion while still adhering to the same principles you learned when flying the Tinyhawk II Freestyle line of sight while keeping the altitude under control and consistent.

Always pushing forward and applying a tiny bit of pitch with your right thumb stick can make learning to fly FPV easier. Tinyhawk II Freestyle can be driven like a car by utilising the left thumb stick.

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