Here’s the Parrot Bluegrass Drone User Manual for you to check out.
Here’s the full instructions manual for Parrot Bluegrass Drone.
Parrot Bluegrass Presentation:
- Sunshine Sensor
- Threaded Propeller
- On/Off button and indicator light
- Fisheye Camera
- Battery Compartment
- Battery Connector
- Micro USB Port
- Base and Antenna
- Multispectral Sensor

Parrot Skycontroller 2 Presentation:
- Position of the mobile device holder
- Antenna
- USB Port
- Settings
- On/Off Button
- Take off/Land
- In flight: take a photo Settings menu: validate
- Return to the take-off point
- In flight: start/stop video recording Settings menu: return
- Camera Exposure
- USB Port
- Display mode
- Vertical orientation of the camera

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Drones that fly high altitudes
Sequoia Presentation:
Sequoia is made up of a multispectral sensor for farming and a sunshine irradiance integrated into Parrot Bluegrass. The photos taken can be used to make indexed maps and make recommendations regarding nitrogen fertilization.
Multispectral Sensor:
- Green Sensor
- Red-Edge Sensor
- Red Sensor
- RGB Sensor
- Near InfraRed Sensor

Sunshine Sensor:
Can calibrate images based on sunlight. It Is attached to the upper part of the drone, facing the sky. And it is powered by the multispectral sensor
Pre-Flight Checks:
- Regulations
- Flight Conditions
- Parrot Bluegrass
- Sequoia
Downloading the Apps:
Charging the battery of parrot bluegrass:
Charging the parrot skycontroller 2 battery:
Installing the Propellers:
Connect your smartphone or tablet to parrot Skycontroller 2:
Charging the parrot skycontroller 2 battery:
Connect the Drone to Parrot Skycontroller 2:
- Calibrate the drone
- Wi-Fi Settings
- Calibrating Sequoia
- Use the internal sequoia memory
Creating the Flight Plan:
Start the Flight Plan:
Pilot Modes:
- Parrot Skycontroller 2
- Return to the starting point
- Land

Behaviour of Sequoia indicator lights:
- Sunshine Sensor
Updating Sequoia:
- Via an SD Card
- Via the Sequoia web interface
Retrieve Photos:
- Via an SD Card
- Via Wi-Fi
Data Processing with Airinov First:
- With the data management software micasense atlas
- With the Pix 4 Dmapper Mapping Software
- Agronomic Recommendations from Airinov
- Do not touch the propellers
Behaviour of the indicator light:
Technical Specifications:
Sequoia Maintenance:
- Cleaning the Sensors
- Obtaining Spare parts
Parrot Bluegrass Drone User Manual: FAQs
Which is the best agriculture drone?
There is no one perfect agriculture drone, but blue grass may be the best option for you if you are looking for high-quality aerial photography and video solution.
Blue Grass has been designed with agricultural drones in mind and offers features that make it ideal for large-scale mapping and monitoring projects.
How far does this blue grass drone go?
This bluegrass drone is perfect for small gatherings or indoor use. It can travel up to 5 miles and produces high-quality sound.
Additionally, it has a built-in microphone and includes an HD camera that you can use to record your performances.
Will the blue grass drone mow my lawn?
No, the blue grass drone does not mow your lawn. The Blue Grass Drone is a consumer product that helps you to turf align and edge trim using laser technology.
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Jon is a passionate photographer and videographer who has been flying DJI drones for over 5 years. He loves the freedom and creativity that comes with capturing aerial footage and the unique perspective it provides. Jon is always on the lookout for new locations to explore and capture with his DJI drones. His favorite DJI drone is the Mavic 2 Pro, which he uses to capture stunning 4K footage with its Hasselblad camera. Jon is always eager to share his knowledge and experience with other drone enthusiasts and is a member of several online drone communities. When he’s not flying his DJI drone, Jon enjoys hiking, camping, and spending time with his family.